Always coffee & cameras

I want to tell coffee & camera stories. Stories about people within coffee, about direct trade, stories from my own business; about people within photography and video production, about photographers, colorists, sound production, distribution etc. Stories about the 100 billion dollar coffee industry, reducing migration, reverse brain drain, fighting poverty, improving womens rights and much more.

Stories about coffee & cameras

First story is about Camilla Hylleberg, from Camilla Hylleberg Photography. Stay tuned, will be out soon on youtube and as podcast on relevant platforms.


Coffee Collective, Torvehallerne

As a photographer and coffee drinker I always carry at least one camera with me. This was also the case in 2015 when I visited Coffee Collective in Torvehallerne. I had a couple of hours to spare, waiting for a friend. This little film came just kinda happened during those 2 hours.

Contact me if you wan’t to hear more about my project…